Anca & Ajay – Fotografii Nunta in Targu Jiu la Casa Danielescu

A inceput si sezonul de nunti 2019, al 8-lea an in care suntem tot aici, fotografiind povesti frumoase de iubire. Realizam fotografii nunta in Targu Jiu de asa mult timp, incat credeam ca nimic nu ne va mai surprinde si am vazut deja tot ce se poate in acest domeniu. Insa cand am fost contactati de Anca si am aflat mai multe detalii despre nunta sa internationala, ne-am dorit foarte mult sa le fim alaturi. O nunta romano-indiana in Targu Jiu, cu doi miri ce locuiesc in New York si care se afla la a 4-a celebrare a iubirii lor…nu poate exista un eveniment mai unic de atat! Iata-ne totusi si in ziua de 4 mai, prima nunta a sezonului, prima nunta cu echipamente foto complet noi si cu multe emotii, dar determinati sa le oferim Ancai si lui Ajay noi amintiri speciale prin fotografii nunta in Targu Jiu. Alaturi de cei doi si de familiile si prietenii lor veniti din cele 4 colturi ale lumii, am avut parte de o zi fascinanta, in care am invatat din nou ca iubirea nu cunoaste diferente sau granite, ca sufletele oamenilor pot crea legaturi invizibile dar indestructibile!

The 2019 wedding season has begun, our 8th year since we are doing the same thing, photographing beautiful love stories. We do wedding photography in Targu Jiu for so long that we thought nothing else can surprise us and we have already seen everything. But when we were contacted by Anca and we learned more details about her international wedding, we really wanted to be a part of it. A Romanian-Indian wedding in Targu Jiu, with a couple that lives in New York and this was going to be the 4th celebration of their love…there can’t be a more unique event! Here we are on the 4th of May, our first wedding of the season, with completely new photo equipment and lots of emotions, but determined to offer Anca and Ajay special memories through our wedding photography story. Together with the two and their families and friends that arrived from the four corners of the world, we were blessed with a fascinating day, where we learned again that love knows no differences or borders, that the souls of humans can create invisible, yet indestructible bonds!

Anca & Ajay – Fotografii Nunta in Targu Jiu

Nu stim niciodata cand si unde vom gasi iubirea, iar Anca si Ajay au o poveste ce ar merita poate un roman. In vara lui 2015, amandoi locuiau in New York si s-au incris sa joace pentru Varsity, o noua echipa mixta de ultimate frisbee, ce se pregatea sa inceapa sezonul competitiv. In timpul primului turneu de frisbee la care au participat cu echipa, Ajay si Anca au inceput sa se cunoasca si s-au imprietenit. Dupa ce s-au intors din turneu, Ajay a cautat numarul Ancai pe lista cu informatii de contact a echipei si a invitat-o sa iasa in oras intr-o seara. Din acea seara nu au mai ratat niciuna fara sa fie impreuna. Daca o romanca si un indian au ajuns sa isi cunoasca iubirea in New York jucand frisbee, nimeni nu mai poate spune ca nu exista destin si iubiri predestinate. Din Octombrie 2017, Anca si Ajay au facut cununia civila in New York si au pornit intr-o “Caravana a Nuntilor”, asa cum o numesc ei, de-a lungul a 2 ani si 3 continente, pentru a petrece cu familiile si prietenii. Au continuat cu nunta din Los ANgeles (acolo unde s-a stabilit familia Ancai cand au emigrat din Romania), apoi a urmat nunta din Chennai, India (unde locuiesc parintii lui Ajay), si finalul din Targu Jiu, unde a crescut Anca si unde am avut onoarea de a le oferi aceste fotografii nunta in Targu Jiu.

Anca & Ajay – Wedding Photography Story

We never know where and when we’ll find love and Anca and Ajay have a story that could fill an entire book. In the summer of 2015, they were both living in New York and signed up to play for Varsity, a new ultimate Frisbee mixed team, that was preparing for the new season. During their first tournament, Ajay and Anca began to know each other and became friends. Having returned from the tournament, Ajay looked Anca’s number on the team’s contact list and asked her out. They never missed another evening together ever since! If a Romanian girl and an Indian boy found the love of their life playing Frisbee in New York, nobody can say that there is no such thing as destiny and true love. From October of 2017, when Anca and Ajay had their engagement in New York, they set out on a “Wedding Caravan” as they say, along 2 years and 3 continents, in order to celebrate with their families and friends. They continued with the wedding in Los Angeles (where Anca’s parents settled after they emigrated from Romania), then followed the wedding in Chennai (where Ajay’s parents live) and finally Targu Jiu, where Anca grew up and where we were honored of joining them and creating this wedding photography story.

Fotograf nunta: Silviu-Florin Salomia / Asistent Foto: Adrian Paunescu / Locatie nunta: Targu Jiu – Casa Danielescu / Data: 4 Mai 2019

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